Graduates - Does their financial and social status make them more attractive?

Academics or singles with a superior education have a different approach to life

University graduates have less time for a relationship than people with an average level of education. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that academics make their professional success their top priority in life. Free time is rare because of work on research, organisations and other work-related projects.
Friends and potential partners for a serious relationship are mainly to be found among colleagues. In contrast, the social life of people with an average education level takes place among their families, friends and neighbours or in clubs and associations. It is easier for them to socialise and get to know people than for academics. That may be due to the fact that people with an average level of education find it easier to relax after work than academics.
Another reason may be the fact that compared to average-educated people, graduates tend to study further after work to work their way up.

Academics often fill their free time with "normal" things like visiting events or bars and clubs with friends. The difference lies in the kind of events academics tend to go to, such as lectures, exhibitions in museums or cultural events. However, it is not to be generalised that better-educated people spend their free time differently, but they have a different approach to things and more often look beyond their own nose. One thing that sets academics apart from people with an average level of education is their choice of partners and friends. They choose people that don't only share their opinions and interest, but also people they can learn from and that support them professionally.

Anyway, it is not that easy to establish and keep relationships and friendships for people who work and travel a lot, because professional obligations often interfere with planning free time. Women seek financial security and social respect, things that can be more easily achieved through the higher level of education of academics.

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