When the Sugar Daddy, Sugar Baby Arrangement Turns into Commitment

Relationships change, be prepared

Not every Sugar Daddy, Sugar Baby couple remains the way it started. He may have wanted a young, sexy woman temporarily to sweeten with money and affection and she may have wanted the same. But like with all things, change occurs sometimes for the better.

The Sugar Daddy is a mature man who knows that a young woman just might want something more with him and it is then that he will reflect on his emotions and whether he wants to date her exclusively. With so many young men to choose from, an attractive Sugar Baby may not want to spend her youthful years trying to find Mr. Right within her own age group. It may be more feasible for her to stick with the older man who has been there for her through highs and lows then to move on. Whatever the reason the arrangement evolves into a relationship, the couple may start thinking about commitment.

Exclusive Romance

A good indication things are becoming increasingly serious between the Sugar Baby and Sugar Daddy is when conversations come up about dating one another exclusively. He isn't interested in romantically seeing other women and his young date has long said, "Goodbye" to boyfriends.

Talk of the Future

When the young woman and mature man begin speaking about a future that includes the following: meeting family, getting married and possibly having children, more than likely, they are serious about building a future together and not apart.


Lonely feelings, those annoying missing you emotions, can get the best of anyone. The Sugar Daddy desires his Sugar Baby to live with him or vice versa. The long distance arrangement is no longer working for neither. They desire to move in together. Sometimes this is a great move for both if a committed relationship has been discussed. However, if the two continue to live separately, yet together, it just might take a bad turn. Being together is just that, being together in more ways than a few.

Family and Friends

Over time, the parties will take interest in meeting intermediate and extended relatives. When this happens, one or both individuals are thinking about relationship and want to be introduced as "boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé…" The Sugar Daddy or Sugar Baby title no longer works anymore or feels right. To avoid scrutiny from family and friends, the couple will most likely avoid such terms.


Although finances may still be allocated to the Sugar Baby, the Sugar Daddy might also offer other things that make him, as well as his partner, feel more secure in the relationship such as: an offer to stay at home rather than work, an engagement ring, a joint bank account, a car, house, business, or something else that promotes togetherness. His purpose is to lose the "Sugar Daddy" role and take on a more permanent position in his young mate's life. However, be aware that married men have been known to do such things to keep their mistresses in their lives-do some investigating before committing to an exclusive relationship.


Intimacy still occurs but may increase or decrease depending on the situation, personality, distance, health, etc. It may still be a very important part of the relationship, but the pressure to perform is significantly reduced especially when one knows that a partner has committed to stay in one's life.
With careful thought of all areas of one's life, it is safe to assume that a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Baby wants more than a business arrangement for a relationship. If one or the other is not in agreement of dating exclusively, doesn't envision a future with the other, or appears hesitant about discussing marital commitment, move on, that person just might not be right for you!